Meet Manny.
My Approach and why choose me as your Wedding Photographer
My specialty is to help you throughout your entire wedding experience. I absolutely love colours, I believe Colour is a power which directly influences the soul.
I have a passion for making weddings just a little easier. And I know they can be confusing, tricky and a tad stressful having gone though my wedding in 2018 as well.
The best part is that I absolutely love what I do and none of it seems like work to me. I believe that everything I've worked to accomplish and the journey of my life so far has always prepared me to create your special moments.
Don’t work with me if you’re ok with strangers that follow you around on your wedding. My job is to be with you every step of the way with the goal that we all become friends. From recommending vendors to helping compose a timeline to making you genuinely laugh because a real smile is always better than a forced one.
That's it in a nutshell and it is my life's work. When you don't find me with a camera in my hand then you will be sure to find me travelling around the world or spending as much time as I possibly can with my beautiful Mrs and two precious daughters.
Feel free to follow where the world takes me via my Instagram stories.